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Oxford Brookes University - Bsc Applied Accounting

Unlock your academic potential for Oxford Brookes University – Bsc Applied Accounting with our wide array of assignment writing services, designed to meet the unique needs of every student. Our team of professional writers is dedicated to delivering high-quality, plagiarism-free work that adheres to your specific guidelines and deadlines. From essays and coursework to dissertations and research papers, we provide tailored solutions to help you achieve top grades and excel in your studies.

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BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting Research and Analysis Project (RAP) Help

The BSc Applied Accounting Degree is a unique cooperation between Oxford Brookes University (OBU) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). As an ACCA student. Therefore, you are able to obtain an undergraduate degree while studying for your professional qualification.

The BSc in Applied Accounting is an undergraduate award of Honours that provides students with skills needed for a career as a professional accountant. Further,  it develop skills to contribute to various section such as critical analysis, research, & literature review.


The Research Analysis Project (RAP) is a major research assignment prepared by Oxford brookes university. It is usually undertaken as a final-year project by accounting students. The purpose of the RAP is to show that the candidate can analyze a business issue and apply technical accounting knowledge to it. It include application of analysis, evaluation and critical thinking related to the topic for prepare of Research and Analysis Project (RAP).

It is a remote learning programme. Student can gear up for your Research and Analysis Project (RAP) through self-taught learning, either on-site or online lessons with a learning provider. It is done independently using materials from OBU that you submit via electronic means.

Student Eligibility for Accounting Research and Analysis Project (RAP)

All ACCA students and affiliates must meet certain eligibility criteria to be able to present a Research and Analysis Project offered Oxford brookes university

  • Have passed the three ACCA Applied Skills exams (F7-Financial Reporting), (F-8 Audit and Assurance) , and (F-9 Financial Management).
  • Are either passed or exempt from the 6 papers at the Knowledge Level and Skills Level. Please note that conditional exemptions don’t allow you to submit the RAP.
  • Must have finished the ACCA Ethics and Professional Skills unit (or the preceding Professional Ethics module)
  • Always make sure your ACCA subscription fees are paid in time.
  • Passing your RAP within 10 years of the earliest of: either the day you passed your first ACCA examination or the day your first ACCA exemption was granted or
  • In the five years leading up to your RAP submission, if you’ve managed to pass 3 ACCA (Applied Skills or Strategic Professional) tests.

Structure for Oxford Brookes University for Research & Analysis 

The RAP has been designed  to demonstrate graduate-level skills that are not otherwise tested in the examinations. There are two elements Research Report (RR) and the Skills and Learning Statement (SLS).

Research Report (7,500 Words)

You are obligated to choose one from the listed topics, investigate , and compose a report (maximum 7,500 words). The topic selected may be relate to an organisation, which encompasses either a corporate or not-for-profit entity.

The word count encompasses everything from the opening of the title page through the end of the report but excludes appendices and the list of references. Anything going exceed the word count will not be assessed. If your conclusions exceed the allowed word count, it is probable that you will fail, as assessment for the evaluation of information, analysis, and conclusions includes drawing conclusions.

Skills & Learning Statement (2,000 Words)

The purpose of the SLS is to demonstrate that you have developed the graduate skill of self-reflection. Framework for reflection offers a defined method and logic to allow for a clearer picture of an event. In essence, that most frameworks take us through the events that unfolded I.e why that occurred, and what our next steps should be.

You are required to answer the following two questions.

Q1-How have you developed, personally and professionally, as a result of undertaking the Research and Analysis Project? Consider

  • What new skills you acquired and how you developed them
  • Challenges you faced and how you overcame them

Q2-How will the experience of the RAP help you in the future?

Consider how this experience has

  • Made you more employable and capable
  • Might influence your future plans in the short and longer term Writing your SLS will be easier if you have made notes or kept a diary or journal, through the RAP process.

Before you start your research, you may want to consider these questions

  • Which skills and experience do you already have which can be used?
  • What are my personal strengths and weaknesses?
  • What new skills will be required? How can I develop them?
  • Which challenges will I face, and what can I do to overcome them?

As you work on your RAP, return to these questions and consider how you are learning and developing your skills.

Element & Sample of Research & Analysis Project / Sample Attached

For student facilitation, we are attaching sample of OBU Report for Oxford brookes university. Please click on this to review the document

Description of File

File Name

Element of Research and Analysis Project

Word document, ACCA number & word count on front page

Research Report

Word document


PowerPoint presentation

Skills and learning statement

Word document

Reference List

Word document


various (word, pdfs)

Excel spreadsheet

Excel file

Tips for Research and Analysis Project (RAP) by Oxford Brookes university

Topic Selection

Select an appropriate and engaging topic relevant to your field of study. This could be an analysis of a modern-day accounting problem, research on a particular change in the accounting standards, or a management case study involving account analysis.


It must include the ideas or questions that the research intends to provide answers . It must address the problem statement and research objectives for this study. The topic must be clear to understand along with Purposes, objectives, assumptions and limitations of the study.

Structure & Format

Ensure compliance with the Guidelines for Structure of Research & Analysis report. This will enable your marker to review the report according to required pattern and will mark it accordingly. Provide a structured methodology section that describes the research approach, data, sample, and analysis techniques

Identify purpose of Research

Identify and underline the importance of a clear and concise research question and its objectives. It will serve as the road map for your analysis. It is essential to clearly define your research aims and objectives at the beginning of your work.

Select Data research approach

Employ an appropriate research approach, either qualitative, Quantitative, or a combination of both, in collecting and analyzing relevant data for your research. Explain how the study results are relevant and compare them to the literature review done in the study. Show real-life implications and suggestions

Literature Review

A brief discussion of the theoretical frameworks and existing literature that apply to the study. It must be based on Evaluation and transformation of major themes and conclusions. To achieve this, the study needed to identify existing research gaps. Conduct a critical analysis of published literature and other research studies in the field of your topic. Summarize this into a literature review section

Research Methodology

It must contain brief description of the chosen research design and methods. Further, Rationale for the selected approach must be clear. General information about the tools and methods used for data collection and analysis

Analysis and Findings

Student must ensure that presentation of the collected data & Quantitative analysis based on the specified research questions. Some of the critical observations and conclusions drawn from the analysis. Present your data and analysis in an organized manner. Support the findings with tables, graphs, and as much quantitative analysis as possible.


Summarize and conclude based on the research analysis. Provide argumentation regarding the theoretical and practical implications, limitations of the research, and future research opportunities. Conclusions and recommendations based on the content analysis, Lessons for theory and practice & Suggesting for the future research

Reference & Citations

Ensure that the cited sources are done correctly. A comprehensive list of sources is used when writing the paper. This will provide a secure foundation for your research and writing.A list of all sources used in the paper should be provided in APA, Harvard or any other formatting style of the writer’s choice.


The appendices must contain the Raw data, Questionnaires or Interview Protocols &  Other supplementary materials. This will enable marker to review the ground work performed by Student

Table of Contents

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